It's long out of print and I periodically have trolled, ,, etc. Only book I am aware of that's been written on Charter Arms only covered the first encarnation I believe and was called "And Now Stainless" if I remember right. Military bought some snubbies but not very many in the scheme of things and don't think privately owned firearms were smuggled in by GIs to the same extent as WWII (plus military was much smaller and fewer troopies in the combat zones), especially after Gun Control Act of 1968. Especially with the snub noses that Charter was making. I recall reading this, but am not sure rationally if there's any basis at all to it. Of course, perhaps the Security Six got introduced when old Bill Senior saw a niche due to scalper prices on Smith and Wessons he decided he'd fill.

Original Charter snubbies might actually have pre-dated the Ruger Security Six although perhaps I'm all wet on that. I heard Charter got started originally back in the days of VietNam when Smith and Wessons were in short supply supposedly.

I'm aware of no relationship with Ruger and Charter Arms (which means little, I admit.)